Damn, it has been a week since fashion designer, Alexander McQueen, has passed. However, his fashion label has truly  benefited from his death tremendously. Sales have went up an astronomical 1400%. Here I was thinking that shit was not even possible! Needless mention, Guggi thought the same motherfucking thing -- a clear indicator of how important McQueen's contribution was to the industry.

Yes, supporters were in full motherfucking effect demonstrating, like a Greek/Shakesperean tragedy, that sometimes a man is more profitable or valuable dead than he ever could be ALIVE. Isn't that common of artists? Basquiat, anyone?



Anonymous said...

Never heard of him until I saw on the news that he committed suicide in his home in London.

Real said...

His death is about as bad as the saying that "you are nobody til somebody kills you". I really didn't know anything about this guy until it was on the news that he killed himself either.