Actress, Sandra Bullock and husband, Jesse James, have lost the first round custody battle with his former wife, porn star, Linda Moulder. James' daughter, Sonny, is to legally remain with Moulder until the end of the holiday season. Moulder, was deemed an unfit mother upon a series of arrests stemming from both drug abuse and tax evasion prompting Bullock and James to take action to gain full custody of his daughter.
Now, lets reflect on the likely chances that the legal expenses is coming out of Bullock's pockets more so than, if at all, James'.
Word to men reading this post, make it an effort to really exercise better judgment of the women you date, romance, sleep with and ultimately marry. You will be surprised at the mental, emotional anguish, monetary headache, parental and possible current spousal confusion it may cause in the long run. Choose wisely.
To the women, look deep before you leap as you are opening yourself to bare a portion of that man's burden, if not all of it, some way some how. So you too, choose wisely.


Calisto said...

By the looks of the picture, I won't doubt that she is funding everything. She look so in love and supportive and he looks like he could care less to me.

Just Des said...

It rather depends on how you define the loss in court because Bullock-James camp did win custody but Moulder will have custody of the child til after Christmas with visitation rights etched in stone next year. So I guess that Moulder did win a minor bout in contesting custody.

The Black Berry said...

lol @ Calisto. I think that Sandra an' 'nem won the case or will stand to because she has that long Hollywood money and can stand to go head to head with anyone legally for a long time. So, I don't think that porn money is competition for Sandra.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone here and I do think that Sandra is a damn fool. I know she has got to be supporting this man. I don't care if he does work on cars and have a show, Sandra is supporting this leach of a man. All. The. Way!

mybestfriendsaid said...

---and she is really into him too. he comes across like a total sleaze to me. I feel that she could have done better. It is like she just settled for a man.