I have no idea what the fuck she is famous for but Heidi Montag defends her new physical features -- courtesy of undergoing a series of cosmetic surgery procedures.

To her surgeon, Dr. Frank Murray's, dismay or shall I say, disappointment, Montag accepted a few interviews to explain her make - over to whomever would listen. According to Dr. Murray, she should have waited until she has completely healed from the surgeries to see the full effect of how great the work was prior to garnering media attention from them so early on. I gather that is the real damn reason why she couldn't even make her face move at the request of one of her celebrity interviewers. Joan Rivers, anyone? Hell, I doubt that she could even FEEL her face upon in addition to not being able to grimace but all in all, she says that she feels like plastic. Go fucking figure, Sherlock!

Here is the gotcha gotcha to the madness of all things Heidi, she has been said to be a devout Christian who has accepted GOD as her creator and that HE has created her in HIS image and therefore perfected upon being asked. However, she says that there was nothing wrong with improving on what HE has created -- even if it is through a series of expensive procedures that left her ass CLEARLY IN THE DAMN RED in affording the costs.

As I assume that she meant the Most High on this one, I have to say this...if man/woman is created and believe that he/she is created in HIS image, then there ain't shit wrong with that man/woman to begin with!
Mentally, she got things fucked up and I am with anyone who believes that she needs to seek psychiatric help for that alone!



Anonymous said...

She does need some mental help if that is what she said. I know that she didn't have the money to cover the cost of ten surgeries in one day and the doctor who did those surgeries needed to be a shame of himself for doing all that work in one day and should have known something was wrong with her then. Don't surgeons have tests or analysis to check the mental state of their patients or do they just throw caution to the wind and begin to cut based on greed by capitalizing on patient insecurities?

Yeah I Said It! said...

If she said anything that alluded to her believing that she was made in GOD's image, then she would have left well enough alone to begin with. Since she had about 10 surgeries in one sitting, I wouldn't doubt that US and People magazine covered expenses that she couldn't. She is always on their covers or a feature story. They probably put her up to it. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

her insecurities are nothing new for young women who are either trying to break into the entertainment industry or are heavily influenced by the images of what is beauty as set by the media and entertainment industry at large. Shameful that she like many women are not happy with the way they are created by GOD.