Actor and film director, Mel Gibson supports Tiger Woods during his shit of a marital ordeal. As you may know, Woods is in Mississippi undergoing rehab for sexual addiction.

The A-list actor and director says that the pro golfer could take the steps that he did by first admitting that it was his fault that such indiscretions had taken place so that the healing and recovery process can officially begin.

I have a spoon of 'mind you fucking business' magnesia waiting for Mr. Gibson. How the hell can he even fix his mouth to advise any man to mend his relationship when he wasn't able to hold his marriage to Robin, who is the mother of eight of his children, together? Shit, he damn near lost his current marriage to this Russian 'bombshell' he has now due to the same motherfucking thing -- infidelity, indiscretions or incompetence in keeping his dick in his pants. Just saying!



headlika said...

We men don't always stick together, "Right Guys"!? oops!

Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson needs to just hush up on this one. But infidelity does bring men together.

Yeah I Said It! said...

I don't think that there is a such thing as a sex addiction. That is just a cop out for an excuse to being screwing anything with a pulse and a hole.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that there is a such thing as a sex addiction. That is just a cop out for an excuse to being screwing anything with a pulse and a hole.
Amen to that!