A relative found this picture on the network site, Facebook. You know, the site that has gotten a lot of people in trouble in relevance to marital status for example -- and had decided to forward it to me since she couldn't find the words to describe it.

Well, I found the words to describe it, and the word is GHETTO!

Really, how could any mother, with an ounce of class, have her child being photoed in this manner? Shit, what's next, a photo of the baby attempting to roll a 'fat one'?

Look how the poor baby is lying there; crooked, reeking of discomfort and looking as if she is asking 'do you see my momma's fuckacity and can you save me from enduring more'?

Don't worry darling, DFACS is probably on the way! 

....and some damn women don't understand how or why they end up being considered unfit mothers let alone why their children are taken from their homes for a more suitable environment. SMH



Anonymous said...

This is the world we live in SMDH......

Anonymous said...

....And people wonder why the children who grow up in an enviroment filled with this type of "fuckacity" (sorry, had to bite your word) end up becoming the thugs or hoodrats of the community....once again, can you say SCREWED PRIORITIES !!!!! SMMFH at this bull..ish