Dec 14, 2009

The Unlikely Idol

There must be something in the water because people have been seeing religious images in the most unlikely places. This time, it is on a the head of calf on a Connecticut farm.
The calf has reportedly a cross on its head and acccording to farm/dairy owner, Davis and his father Andrew, they have never seen a pattern like this on any of the thousands of calves they have encountered in their lifetime. Davis believes, that the marking on the calf may be a message from on high, although he’s still trying to figure out what that message might be. He hopes that the meaining may be that the milk prices will go up and the dairy industry will improve may be the meaning considering that the last few years have been the toughest ever in the industry.
The children in the neighborhood are taken aback with the farm animal with the cross like symbol on his forehead so much that they have given him the biblical name, Moses. Moses, THE CALF, was born this month with a distinct white marking on his forehead.
Here is what the dairy owners are prepared to do...and I quote,  “We’re going to make sure he gets a good life and doesn’t get eaten.”
Sounds to me that these good people are on the verge of worshipping a false god/idol. What did the good book say about that? Well, in short, it says don't do it.


SoReal said...

People really need to stop putting so much faith in seeings and put it into God.