Whoever thought of the identical twin concept of dressing alike because they look alike needs their ass kicked. For some twins, it has really messed them up for life. Now, I know that many adults think that children and in some cases adults, who are identical twins, should dress accordingly. They should wear the exact same thing every day because to them, it is attractive...appealing even.

However, I never really followed or deemed the trend at all as such -- regardless of a pair of identical twins' age. As a matter of fact, I found it to be rather silly simply because they are like fraternal siblings, or siblings for that matter; different people whose physical beings house different personalities, views and whatever else that can come to anyone's damn mind, from conception to adulthood -- a fact that I have taken into consideration and made sense, via observation, since 4th grade Biology class. The only thing they have in common is that they look a damn like. 

So why dress two different without being physically different, people the same, as children and why the hell some never grow out of this concept as adults? How old are these motherfucker's? 40? ...and they swear they are looking good too. SMH